The Project in Mansourieh consists of a permanent shoring system required by the Ministry of Public Works (Government of Lebanon) for a multi- stories concrete building under which a slope stability failure occurred. The building is situated on Mansourieh Main Road. The main road was obstructed and detoured for many weeks. Int’l IGM proposed an innovative Design/Built solution and was awarded the job. The soil was marl (siltstone) interbedded with fine silt and clay layers. The solution consisted of combining permanent lateral nails (140, L=10m avg) with vertical micropiles (80, L=10m) covered by a very thick reinforced shotcrete wall .An early warning system that would sound very loud sirens at the slightlest movement was designed and installed by the IGM team, in order to improve the safety of the wrokers below and the building tenants above. After a job well done, the minister of public works personnally congratulated Int'l IGM and inaugurated the re-opening of the road with a big smile.