WEHBE BUILDING is an existing building on Sassine Square. The Client wanted to excavate under the foundation of the existing building for constructing 1 extra basement. Counting on this underpinning operation. The final foundations of columns would be constructed. The structural squeleton was strengthened and 2 extra floors were added on top. The soil is a marley fractured limestone. I.G.M. proposed a solution based on underpinning with micropiles (about 12m length) under the existing footings for retaining the existing building. Once, the micropiles are drilled and grouted the excavation works start by phases. The micropiles are braced against buckling after each phase of excavation (1.5m deep). The micropiles act as columns in the excavated portion and as foundation piles in the soil. New footings and columns would be installed. Non shrink grout is used between the new and old columns, where the load transfer mechanism takes place in order to minimize unwanted displacements
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